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2022 TCSPP First-Gen Day Recap

Ashley McDonald, The Chicago School of Professional Psychology / FirstGen Forward / February 01, 2023

Student staring at bulletin board with first-gen stickers pinned to it in long hallway

The Chicago School of Professional Psychology (TCSPP) provided numerous events in celebration of National First-Gen Day across all campuses both virtually and in person. On November 8, 2022, TCSPP hosted its second university-wide First-Gen Day celebration through an awarded grant from the Council for Opportunity in Education and the NASPA Center for First Generation Student Success.

The 2nd Annual First Gen Art Show featured art galleries across campuses with the theme “What being a first-generation student means to me." TCSPP students, faculty, and staff submitted art (of any kind) to the on-campus or virtual galleries. The favorite piece (as voted on at each campus) received a $50 Amazon gift card.

We hosted the First Gen Book Club throughout the month of October for all TCSPP students, faculty, and staff. The Book Club culminated in a virtual discussion on First-Gen Day. This year's First Gen Book Club novel was Make Your Home Among Strangers. The Office of the Dean for Student Success sponsored a limited number of books on a first-come, first-served basis for those able to participate in the virtual discussion.

Keynote speaker Dr. La'Tonya (LT) Rease-Miles examined persistence, belonging, and academic success for first-gen students, including the important work of supporting first-gen graduate students.

Career Services led the webinar "Developing your Professional Identity as a First-gen Student," which examined how students can learn to integrate their personal identity into their profession.

First-Gen Day culminated in a virtual trivia night open to the entire TCSPP community with interactive, first-gen-themed rounds and an Amazon gift card prize! 

The Chicago School of Professional Psychology's 2022 First-Generation College Celebration was made possible by a $500 grant from the Center for First-generation Student Success and the Council for Opportunity in Education. Learn more about their celebration here!