A Resource: Impacts of COVID-19 on First-generation Students Experienced Across Institutions of Higher Education
FirstGen Forward / March 12, 2020

As institutions respond in haste to COVID-19, many are asking students to depart residence halls within hours and to begin online learning as alternative instruction, or are closing entirely. While a desire to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 is understandable, this leaves many first-generation students, particularly those with an intersectional low-income identity, with difficult decisions to make. Many of these students may not have permanent residences to return to, may face transportation issues or food insecurity, and are concerned about not having income from campus or local employment. As higher education professionals, a few important questions to ask colleagues is a good place to begin:
- What campus or local housing opportunities are available to first-generation (and all) students who do not have safe or habitable conditions with which to return?
- Will dining halls, food pantries or other aids for food and housing insecurity be available to students during this time?
- What emergency aid funds are available to students to cover the cost of return travel, relocation, etc.?
- Will students still have work study or campus employment positions available during this time?
- Will campus computer labs be open for students who are able to remain local? Will laptop loaner programs be expanded in light of required online learning?
- With the shift to online learning how are institutions considering students’ access and opportunity to connect to the internet?
- Additionally, how will institutions provide instructional and troubleshooting support to promote online learning?
- If students do not have access to classrooms or on-campus libraries, will textbooks and other hardcopy resources become available online?
- How will mental and physical health services be provided to students? Are mechanisms in place for virtual appointments?
- Are there opportunities to keep critical mentoring relationships active in a virtual space or modified setting?
- How can alumni networks be engaged to help students find internships or employment opportunities when back in their home communities?
- How is all of this information being communicated to first-generation students and their families?
- Is the messaging being created in multiple languages to support widespread communication?
- If students do become ill and are not able to visit the campus-based health clinic, where should they go to seek healthcare?
- Will the visit be covered by their student health insurance?
In response to the state of higher education, NASPA created a COVID-19 resource page which will continue to update as new resources become available.
A Message from NASPA President, Kevin Kruger
Included below are a series of articles and resources to supplement your institution’s efforts in supporting all students, with particular consideration for first-generation students.
Background Information
CDC Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
COVID-19 (Novel Coronavirus): Frequently Asked Questions
Infection Prevention Do’s and Don’ts
WHO Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) for Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)
WHO Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Technical Guidance
Impact Across Higher Education
Updated: At Least 130 Colleges Have Canceled In-Person Classes (So Far) Over Coronavirus Fears
Inside Higher Education
LIVE UPDATES: How Higher Education is Reacting to the New Coronavirus Pandemic
The Chronicle of Higher Education
Community College Daily
Coronavirus, community colleges and the equity gap
9 Things You Can Do Right Now to Support Students Through the COVID-19 Epidemic
Building Community in Online Doctoral Classrooms: Instructor Practices that Support Community
Coronavirus Information - Multilingual
Federal Student Aid: Coronavirus Information
Going Online in a Hurry: What to Do and Where to Start
Guidance for interruptions of study related to Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Remote Teaching Resources for Business Continuity
The University of Florida created a visual resource supporting first-gen students transitioning online!

Accessibility for Differently Abled
Advising in Times of Disruption
Food and Housing Insecurity
BEYOND THE FOOD PANTRY: Supporting #RealCollege Students During COVID19
College Students: U-Haul Offers 30 Days Free Self-Storage Amid Coronavirus Outbreak
How Two Colleges Are Fighting Food Insecurity on Campus
Internet Access
Staying Connected During the Coronavirus Situation
Mental Health
HEMHA College Counseling from a Distance: Deciding Whether and When to Engage in Telemental Health Services
Taking Care of Your Mental Health in the Face of Uncertainty
Working from Home
How to Work from Home Without Losing your Sanity
As new resources become available, this blog will update to reflect them. If you would like to share any resources or approaches implemented at your institution to support first-generation students, please email the Center.