Georgia Southern University's First-Generation College Celebration
November 8

2022 First-Generation College Celebration
November 1 participation in a listening session of the 2022 National First-Generation College Celebration Virtual Event and inviting key campus partners to attend. Kickoff November 7 with TRIO alum, mental health advocate and author, Richard Taylor. A lunch and learn engaging the campus community on the issues of 1st gen students. November 8, cookout featuring a resource fair, and creation of a 1st gen mural on the campus. Also on that day 1st gen faculty and staff are encouraged to rep their alma mater by wearing their merch and are asked to place in their email signature #1stgenproud!
2020 First-Generation College Celebration
The highlight of our celebration is our website that lists our calendar for the week; highlights first gen faculty, staff and students; and hosts great comments from our president.
We will host a "TRUE blue table talk" hosted by the Interim Director of SSS, Statesboro Campus, Leslie Harris featuring first-gen faculty, staff, and student guests from three generations (baby boomers, millenials, and generation Z). We will discuss the barriers faced by first-gen students and compare the experiences of each generation. We will also have a virtual resource fair hosted by Corine Ackerson-Jones, director of SSS, Armstrong/Liberty Campuses, and featuring support and resources offered to first-generation students. The resource fair will end with a forum with discussions on what the university can do better to support first-gen students. The TRUE blue table talk and resource fair will be broadcast as a Zoom webinar for the entire university community. We will offer volunteer opportunities for our participants at the nearby nursing homes. Participants will do window visits and paint windows to brighten the day of residents. The university will feature articles on first generation students on facebook and in the weekly communication to the campus community. We will hashtag all of our events #CelebrateFirstGen and #GSFirstGen. On Nov. 8, those who identify as first-gen will wear their first-gen proud t-shirts and post on social media!
2018 First-Generation College Celebration
The celebration is called, "Operation 1st Generation"! All events will start on November 5, and culminate with a resource fair for first-generation students on November 8 and will include the following:
- University president will highlight the celebration on the GASOU website;
- Tabling will offer first-generation students an opportunity to discuss their challenges;
- Three first-generation students will be interviewed and highlighted in the school newspaper;
- A first-generation faculty and staff will be highlighted in an email across campus;
- Select first-generation students will participate in a 'day in the life' and will be featured through the university's social media;
- There will be a banner will be displayed in the student union to raise awareness about the celebration;
- First-generation faculty and staff have volunteered to wear their Alma Mater gear on Nov. 8 along with a button that says, "Ask me why I'm First!";
- First-generation students will also be supplied with the same button.
For the latest updates on this celebration, visit our website and use #FirstgenProud to show your support!