St. Olaf College's First-Generation College Celebration
November 8

2nd Annual National First-Generation Celebration at St. Olaf College
Thursday November 8th, 2018
11:30am - 12:30pm Buntrock Crossroads
First-generation college students, as well as St. Olaf faculty and staff from first-generation college backgrounds can pick up an "I'm First" button. All faculty and staff are welcome to join during this time to celebrate. Cupcakes will be served for the First-Generation Celebration as well as to highlight the 50th anniversary of the TRIO Student Support Services programs.
5pm - 6:30pm St. Olaf TRIO McNair Graduate School Panel TOMSON 280
Attend the TRIO McNair Graduate School Panel to hear about experiences from first-generation college students pursuing graduate and professional school. Faculty and staff are welcome to join to listen or share their experiences as well. Pizza and refreshments provided.
- Follow #CelebrateFirstGen and #TRIOWORKS on social media to hear first-generation stories nationwide. Feel free to share your own!
- Follow St. Olaf TRIO McNair on Facebook and Instagram to hear recent St. Olaf TRIO McNair alumni updates!
- St. Olaf faculty and staff can complete this survey to stay informed of future First-Gen/TRIO events and opportunities to further mentor current first-gen students at St. Olaf College.
- Faculty and staff from first-generation backgrounds are encouraged to use an "I'm First" logo in their email signature to spark conversations around being first-gen.