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Stephen F. Austin State University's First-Generation College Celebration
November 8

2023 First-Generation College Celebration

Stephen F. Austin State University (SFA) will celebrate first-generation students again this year by hosting a celebration and resource fair for first-gen students on National First-Generation College Student Day, November 8th. Many departments, programs, and student organizations from across campus will participate by sharing information and resources. The celebration will include activities, a photo station, cake and punch! The Student Success Center and the Generation Jacks, an academic learning community for first-gen students here at SFA, will be assisting with the event and providing activities to promote wellness and gratitude for first-gens! The first 100 first-gen students will receive a free t-shirt!

2022 First-Generation College Celebration

Stephen F. Austin Sate University (SFA) is excited to host the second annual university-wide First-Generation Celebration on Tuesday, November 8th from 2-4PM. We will be recognizing National First-Generation Day with cake, punch, and t-shirts. Students will have the opportunity to participate in a resource fair with departments and organizations. Students, faculty, staff, and administrators will learn more about the findings from the Frist-Generation Needs Assessment conducted on campus last spring by the Student Success Center and the School of Social Work.

2021 First-Generation College Celebration

SFA plans to host a First-Generation Celebration on Monday, November 8th from 11-12PM recognizing National First-Generation Day! Students have the opportunity to receive a first-gen t-shirt and stop by the Resources Tables to visit with departments and resources. We have partnered with the Veteran's Resource Center, Lumberjack Express Food truck for first-gen students to receive a free chai drink for #WellnessWednesday, Chi Alpha Student Ministry, and the First-Generation Student Organization.

Through the Office of Multicultural Affairs, first-generation students have the opportunity to send letters to their families back home and let them know how they are doing at college. All week long we will have a sticky note wall that students can participate in to say why they are #ProudtobeFirst-Gen!

For the latest updates on this celebration, follow us on Facebook and Instagram, and use #GoFirstGoStrong and #LearnLeadServeSucceed to show your support!