The Center for First-generation Student Success, an initiative of NASPA and The Suder Foundation, is the premier source of evidence-based practices, professional development, and knowledge creation for the higher education community to advance the success of first-generation students. This website provides context for the current state of first-generation student success, shares current conversations and scholarly literature, offers access to programs and services, and highlights opportunities for engagement with the Center and committed colleagues.

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27% stat image

Only 27% of first-generation college students complete a bachelor's degree in four-years
Higher Education Research Institute


surveyed institutions

Of surveyed institutions, only 50% have identified a "point person" to lead first-generation initiatives
2018 National Landscape Analysis of First-generation Student Success Programs at Four-year Institutions


78% Senior Administrators

78% of senior administrators at my institution care about first-generation students This statistic is reflective of all university leaders, practitioners, and scholars surveyed for the landscape analysis. 
2018 National Landscape Analysis of First-generation Student Success Programs at Four-year Institutions


20 percent versus 42 percent

20 percent of first-generation college students had obtained a bachelor’s degree 10 years after their sophomore year in high school compared to 42 percent of continuing-generation students.
U.S. Department of Education

Programs & Services

The Center is your premier destination for improving institutional approaches to first-generation student success.

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Journal & Research

Dedicated first-generation research allows for evidence-based decision-making that is critical to student success. This section highlights both foundational research and recent scholarship that informs understanding of the student experience, institutional approaches to programming, and identification of supports and barriers for first-generation students. Timely updates on public policy discussions shaping first-generation student success are also provided. In addition to the filters below, please utilize the “search” bar in the top, right corner to search by keyword, author name, or publication title.

The Journal of First-generation Student Success is available! The Journal joins other publications of NASPA - Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education, and is a NASPA member benefit. Visit the page to learn more about the priority submission timeline and access the latest issue.

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News & Blogs

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