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2018 First-Generation College Celebration

Nov 8, 2018

First-generation College Celebration

In 2017, the Council for Opportunity in Education (COE) and the Center for First-generation Student Success launched the inaugural First-Generation College Celebration! Given the overwhelming success of this event, COE and the Center will partner to make this celebration an annual event. 

On November 8, 2018, we encourage colleges and universities to celebrate the success of first-generation college students, faculty, and staff on your campus in any and every ways possible.  Get creative!  In 2017, institutions held speakers and programs on first-generation student success, hosted lunch and learn events, kicked off mentoring programs, handed out first-gen swag, featured first-generation students on websites, and more!  Consider how you can build relationships with colleagues, involve leadership, and use First-Generation Celebration Day as a galvanizing force across your campus community. 

In the coming months, this page will continue to grow with resources and ideas for planning a First-Generation College Celebration! To begin, a recap of the 2017 celebration as well as a blog featuring "50 Ways to Celebrate" are provided. Continue to check back as we feature interviews, blogs, and videos on preparing for your celebration. The Center would like to feature institutional efforts from the 2017 First-Generation College Celebration and plans for the 2018 First-Generation College Celebration on our website and social media. Please complete this form to provide insight into your celebrations so others may learn from your successes!  Also, if you would like to contribute a blog about your 2017 First-Generation College Celebration or your plans for 2018, send us an email as we'd love to share. 

An important component of your First-Ggeneration College Celebration is sharing your event with others!  Please use #CelebrateFirstGen when sharing photos and information on social media to engage in a national conversation and celebrate not only students on your campus but across the country!