NASPA Innovation Grants Program
Oct 1, 2018

How often have you had a new and creative idea for your campus, but the funds are not there? NASPA, in partnership with the NASPA Foundation, is excited to announce the Innovation Grants Program for just this reason. Conferred twice a year and to be used immediately, the Innovation Grants provide awards to support innovation, exploration, and development for NASPA members, regardless of campus membership affiliation. With three levels of grants, ranging from up to $1,000, $1,000 - $3,000, and $3,000 - $5,000, these funds are intended to provide the scaffolding for NASPA members to implement innovative ideas that lead to student learning and success. Applications are due October 1.
The NASPA Innovation Grants Program is a great opportunity to apply for funding to support first-generation student initiatives and program offerings at your institution. This past spring, Doane University was awarded funding to develop and implement a leadership retreat for first-year, first-generation college students during the 2018-19 academic year. The Center for First-generation Student Success encourages institutions to follow Doane University's example of implementing a creative and innovative program to strengthen the first-generation student experience.