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Learn how to use the placement process to build more equitable, student-centered colleges using findings from a national research study funded by the Ascendium Education Group.
Female student in jean jacket climbing stairs to academic building with blurry students in background

The Digital Divide and Education Equity

ACT / August 2018

ACT-Digital Divide Report

Access to technology is essential to educational success as well as workforce and community development. However, geographical, income-based, and racial/ethnic disparities in technology access persist.
This "digital divide" - the gap between people who have sufficient knolwedge of and access to technology and those who do not - can perpetuate and even worsen socioeconomic and other disparities for already underserved groups.
This brief takes a closer look at one particular group: students who have access to only one device at home, a group representing 14% of all survey respondents.
Taking a deeper dive into the data on students with access to only one device is important becuase these students may face challenges not faced by students with access to two or more devices.
