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A First-Generation Starter

Ryan Gonzales, Adams State University / FirstGen Forward / October 24, 2023

Adams State University student picture on the football field

For many students like myself, college is a very scary and stressful time because we have no idea what we are getting ourselves into. Firs-generation students do not have the guidance of a parent or superior to give us pointers or advice. Coming to Adams State University made me the starter for my family to further my education.

Being from the San Luis Valley, Adams State University was another home for me, so I kind of knew what I was getting myself into going into my freshman year. The only thing I did not know was what to major in. This was a tough decision due to the fact that I did not know what programs were offered and I did not want to end up in a major that I would regret. Fortunately enough, I met Chayne Boutillette who is the director of the Colorado Opportunity Scholarship Initiative. This is a program that helps first-generation students who attend universities in Colorado figure out financial aid and guide students. Chayne would help me by giving me the descriptions of different majors and what job opportunities I would have when I got out of college. This program saved me from spending more money and more years at college, because it would have taken me much longer if I tried to figure this out by myself.

Another great resource I found helpful were my professors. These may be the people who annoy you with all the homework and tests, but in all reality, our professors really do care about us and want us to succeed after college. Professors will also help guide you to other resources and offices that assist you as a first-generation student. Many professors were once first-generation students themselves, so they know the struggles that their students are facing. I had Dr. Nick Saenz as a professor in a history class who is now the Acting Assistant Vice President of Academic Affairs. He told me about the advisors in the library who help students find a major. He even walked me there to make sure I knew where to go. I was so grateful for that because even though I knew the layout of Adams State’s campus, I still did not know where many programs were located.

Adams State University bulldog in school shirt
Going to college as a first-generation student is a scary time in a young student’s life, but with the help that I got from campus resources and our faculty here on campus, it made it a lot less scary. There were times when I was down and needed guidance in my life. Deciding to work for Adams State University Housing was one of the best choices I made in my college career. Your housing staff and RAs are a great resource to get familiar with when you move onto campus, not only for your living situation, but also for their training as counselors and mentors. They know every program that is on this campus and know who to contact a student in need. Housing was there for me by giving me a job as a Resident Assistant that gave me free housing and board to help students in need like I was with whatever they needed. RAs are another great resource because they are trained to know the different resources on campus and know what you are going through as well because they are students just like you, with all the same stresses and anxieties and feelings that you may go through.

If you are a first-generation college student, there is no need to be scared or nervous about going to college not knowing much about what it has to offer. There are many people just like you that do not know much about campus life, but know that everyone on campus is willing to help you in any situation that you may be going through. 

For more information on Adams State University's approach, please visit their website here.