First-gen At Ivy Tech
Josh VanBibber, M.Ed., Ivy Tech Community College - Central Indiana / FirstGen Forward / December 04, 2020

Ivy Tech Community College - Central Indiana hosted our First-Generation College Student Celebrations the week of November 7 – November 13! While the socially distanced activities in our second year of celebrations were very different than in 2019, students, staff, and faculty came together to recognize the accomplishments of our first-gen students and the value they bring to the college and our community.
Thursday, October 29
The First Gen Celebration committee spoke with the College’s Provost to record and publish an episode of the College’s podcast, “Our College Your Voices” to bring awareness to the experiences, challenges, and accomplishments of our first-gen students. Included was a call to action to participate in upcoming events during the week of celebrations, as well as ways to incorporate a first-gen lens in our approach to supporting students year-round.
Saturday, November 7
Ivy Tech – Central Indiana kicked off the week with a family-friendly, socially-distanced drive-in screening of Monsters University. Students and staff came to our downtown campus with their families to enjoy the movie and some order-ahead snacks.
Tuesday, November 10
Students, faculty, and staff came together to share their experiences as “First Generation and _____” to illustrate the diversity of experiences that first-generation students and professionals experience when viewed through a lens of intersectionality. Panelists shared their experiences and overlapping identities and barriers that at times felt at odds with their goal of pursuing a college degree and the supports they found that empowered them to achieve those goals.
Wednesday, November 11
To coincide with the College’s “All Majors Career Fair” prior first-gen students who currently serve as TRIO staff members shared tips and tricks for navigating career exploration and advancement from the perspective of first-generation students. Attendees learned valuable curricular and co-curricular experiences to best prepare our students for transferring and career-readiness.
Friday, November 13
Ivy Tech’s week of first-gen events culminated in our inaugural First Gen Success Symposium. We had an informal discussion about what it means to be first-gen during a virtual coffee-hour before hearing from Ivy Tech - Central Indiana’s Dean of the School of Arts, Sciences, and Education on her experience as a first-gen student and professional. Faculty shared ways to build foundational connections within the classroom and helpful resources to navigate challenges as first-gen students. We closed the Symposium and week’s celebrations with Dr. Cynthia Mosqueda’s Keynote speech on her first-gen story, and initiatives of becoming a First-gen Forward Institution at El Camino College.
Students, staff, and faculty throughout the week’s events had lively discussions on how we can all contribute to a culture of continual improvement for the sake of our first-gen and continuing-gen students, alike. How might we recognize the achievements and provide the support and advocacy for First-gen students throughout the whole year?
For more information on Ivy Tech Community College - Central Indiana’s approach, please visit their website here.