How First-gen Students Can Land Jobs During the Pandemic
In this challenging internship and job market, it is more important than ever that we give first-gen students the tools to navigate the career exploration and job/internship search processes.
Guetzoian / IGI Global / October 2021
The purpose of this chapter is to examine the academic motivation and self-discipline of online learners and how online academic strategies can translate to the modern-day workforce in the post-pandemic world. The chapter examines digital learning trends and skills students need to prepare them for online learning, such as self-directedness. It discusses the difference between motivation and self-discipline. It also covers strategies specific for different types of learners, such as undergraduate students, graduate students, first-generation students, students with disabilities, and students from underrepresented populations. It provides tips for various levels of educators to support student motivation and self-discipline in the online environment. It also provides tips for students themselves to address their own motivation and self-discipline strategies, such as eliminating distractions, setting goals, using technology effectively, and developing a routine. The chapter concludes with suggestions of how to implement these online academic skills into the workplace.