Institutions may elect to remain a Network Member institution. Institutions are offered the opportunity to remain engaged in the FirstGen Forward Network (Network) to continue demonstrating a commitment to advancing first-generation student success. While continuing engagement as a Network Member institution will engage in regionally-based community meetings, networking and professional development, and share knowledge as leaders in this important work. Through active engagement and meeting annual requirements, Network Member institutions maintain status within this phase of the Network. Each year there will be the opportunity to progress to Network Leader or remain as a Network Member.


FirstGen Forward Network Home

Regional Communities


These gatherings unite members within their recognized regions to share experiences, offer support, and build resources. Our diverse mix of institutions ensures something for everyone in these collaborative forums.

Led by a FirstGen Forward team member bi-monthly, with facilitation support coming from other Network Leaders and Network Champions. 

September ‣ November ‣ January ‣ March ‣ May

Institutions are encouraged to review the topic schedule in advance to invite anyone from the institution to attend that aligns with the content for that month. Regular attendance is required, however, it does not have to be specifically the Primary Contacts to ensure a more widespread institutional investment in the Network.



Institutions maintain active status as a Network Member by completing annual programming requirements and meeting milestones.

The following are the Network Member requirements for institutions participating for their second or more years.

Virtual Kick-off Institution Blog
Institution Goals
(2) Minimum
First-generation College Celebration

Monthly Meetings
Network Member Bi-Monthly
(2) Regional Meetings

Network Leader Interest Meeting

Learning & Development
(3) Paid Opportunities Per Year

Annual Report


Learning and Development 2024- 2025 Options

Option 1: Participate in 3
• Center Online Learning (1)
• Complete an e-learning module (1)
• Service to the Field (1)
Option 2: Participate in 1
• Attendance at SSHE
• Attend the NASPA Annual Conference
and participate in a Center Pre-Con

Contact Us

Want to learn more? 

We invite you to utilize the FirstGen Forward's resources, follow us on social media @FirstgenCenter, and reach out at [email protected] with other questions. Thank you for your commitment to serving first-generation students!